Katy Rose Collection: Art, Words

FILL UP Katy Rose FILL UP Katy Rose

The Art of Hidden Work


Imagine all the hard-working people it took to construct this gorgeous old church... those who were visible every day with hammer and nails, and those who were working behind-the-scenes to make the work possible.

We stumbled upon it while traveling out in the country on Mother's Day, perched on sloping fields with serene views. According to the sign, German settlers built it 100 years ago.

I love discovering hidden gems and getting a glimpse into their history. Same with people-- I'm so encouraged by stories of those who serve and love diligently and faithfully outside of the spotlight.

Inside that church, I'm sure they read the same verse that I've had posted in my kitchen for several weeks now: "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends."

The essence of mothering is laying down our lives. And I am more and more convinced that this is true: A life poured out is a life filled up.


We are often scared of hidden work because we fear no one will see us, know our struggles, understand our sacrifice.

There is no doubt a time and place for the spotlight, but I think we might be surprised one day to find that perhaps the best rewards are earned behind-the-scenes. It feels hidden, but someone always sees. Always. (see Matthew 6:1-3)

Behind-the-scenes service is beautiful and significant, especially in an age where we're tempted to post and share every good deed we do.

I think of my own Mom (pictured here with baby me), and her years and years of behind-the-scenes work. That is priceless to me. She's lived sacrificially and always present for her children. She has never been one seeking the spotlight, but humbly serving where she's needed. That has been such a gift for her children to see. I've seen her honored by others throughout the years, not because she has ever promoted herself, but because others see the hidden work, and they see the fruits of her labor.

For all who are living behind-the-scenes (mothers or not!), working hard, serving, loving with all your heart... keep moving forward in Joy and rest in Peace. You are seen.

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How My Change of Heart on the Highway Changed Everything

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A few years ago I zoomed down the highway, silently fuming at a woman who I felt such bitterness towards because of her treatment of a child I was caring for at the time through foster care. Her poor choices were affecting not only the child, but my own life in some difficult ways, and I was looking for someone to blame.

I had been told by others and readily believed this woman was a “hopeless case”.  She wasn't going to change. She had always been this way and always would be. Her life showed nothing to the contrary. It was riddled with devastation.

Honestly, if I had really thought about it, I was probably glad others considered her a hopeless case. I probably didn’t want her to have a shot at redemption. She had messed up too much.

Nonetheless, I offered a quick, silent prayer to God, but any sense of compassion felt miniscule.

Suddenly, right there on the highway,  I was struck by Jesus’s words from scripture:

“Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” (read more here)  

And in the same moment the Parable of the Good Shepherd came to mind.

Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ (more here)

I was taken aback. I had been planning to fume a little longer but all feelings of anger vanished.

So the Doctor exists for the sick. The Good Shepherd goes after the one sheep who is lost.

Jesus is all about the hopeless cases.

It was a moment of clarity in a situation that wasn’t distant but affecting me deeply, daily. God was giving me eyes to see brokenness, and to offer love where I naturally felt hatred. My heart was instantly changed toward that woman. I hurt for her. I saw her as a beloved child of God, lost and alone. I wanted to tell her how much she was loved by her Creator. I so badly wanted her to know her value and worth.


And of course, it only takes a second to recognize we are all the hopeless people. We may have varying degrees of stability and privilege in our lives. Some folks suffer more than others in situations beyond their control. Some make really bad choices.

It’s only by the grace of God that we can be people of Hope. Some of us know this with all our hearts because we have experienced the power of His rescue. And heartbreakingly, some will never know.

As a person of hope, the responsibility is mine to look at what the world calls hopeless cases and pray they will be touched by Hope. Sometimes hope might be offered through an actual relationship and the meeting of needs. In other circumstances, the fruit will only be felt from a distance as my own heart changes, and hopefully theirs.


Living with a transformed mind and heart in Christ gives us the rare opportunity to love supernaturally, in a way that doesn't quite make sense.

Living in a suspended state of anger can be captivity. Releasing it to the Lord, handing over our heavy burdens to him brings freedom.

It means being open to a changed perspective when we only see a dead end.

It is so natural and easy to love my good friends and those who are like me. It’s quite another thing to choose LOVE for my “enemies.” It’s kind of where the rubber meets the road, though. Do my actions reflect my beliefs? Jesus said to love my enemies. These are some powerful and revolutionary words right here when you take a moment to contemplate their implications:

“But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from one who takes away your cloak do not withhold your tunic either. Give to everyone who begs from you, and from one who takes away your goods do not demand them back. And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.”

No matter what our stories or who our lives are connected with, we all experience “enemies” of one kind or another. I talk to my children about this a lot. We talk about how holding on to bitterness and anger only makes us ugly. It’s in releasing those feelings to God and trusting his justice, timing, and provision that we are released from the ugliness, and free to beautifully live without being tied to anger.

I pray this for our family --  that God would continue to give us the eyes and hearts to see people as He sees them. I believe it will change our lives.

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FILL UP Katy Rose FILL UP Katy Rose

Things That Bind Us, and Set Us FREE

---Snapshots from a quick 24-hour trip to the coast to visit my husband where he was working. Half the time I was alone with all four little ones at the beach (no time for pictures then!), which was one of the most exhausting things I've ever done, but I lived to tell about it and they had a blast. I've already *almost* forgotten the difficulty, and the memories of the fun are totally winning out.---

FREEDOM has been a theme unexpectedly dominating my 2017. I didn’t set out to explore it, it just keeps hitting me hard as I read through the Bible. 

I see the word freedom thrown around a lot online and such.  I know sometimes we use the word lightly, which is fine, but I'm struck by how often we can be tricked into thinking we've arrived at freedom via some thing or circumstance. Sometimes we count on a sense of momentary freedom which won't last in the long run or through the hard times. We look to things that are limiting, lacking depth and longevity.

True freedom is not attached to a paycheck or health (or supplements & oils) or a house or a spouse or a job or finding oneself.  Those things can be awesome gifts, but they are not ultimate freedom.  People in literal chains talk about FREEDOM because of Jesus, as do people dying from cancer. This year has brought some of the greatest challenges I’ve dealt with, yet the freedom and love of Jesus have been all-encompassing. Freedom is not just for the easy, care-free days.

“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” (2 Corinthians)

More reflection on freedom takes me in this direction: The freedom Jesus offers allows us to live focused on the life Christ calls us to, not weighed down by what others think. It releases people-pleasers like me from their bondage. True freedom breaks the chains of addiction- whether it's to a substance, pornography, social media, or success. And the way I see it, that freedom is only found in the love of Jesus.

"You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' " (Galatians 5)

And still another way to allow God's freedom to change us: When we take what the Bible says and morph it into our own list of rules or opinions or oppressive guidelines, that’s not freedom in Christ. That’s living like the Pharisees of Jesus’s day, and many religions of today. But when we look at what Jesus taught in love and wisdom and form our lives around HIM, freedom is inevitable. Jesus’s love is breathtaking and I’m astounded by the freedom he offers. See what Paul says in the Bible says about living under the law vs. living as sons and daughters in Galatians 3 and 4. 

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8)

Know Jesus.

Live in His freedom.

Love because of it.  

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